# Note that this is NOT a relocatable package %define ver 0.4.10 %define rel 1 %define prefix /usr Summary: GNOME Transfer Manager Summary(pt): Gestor de Transferências GNOME Summary(it): Gestore di traferimenti del GNOME Summary(es): Gestor de Transferencias GNOME Name: gtm Version: %ver Release: %rel Copyright: GPL Group: X11/Utilities Source: gtm-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}.tar.gz URL: http://gtm.sourceforge.net/ BuildRoot: /tmp/gtm-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root Packager: Bruno Pires Marinho Requires: wget Requires: gnome-libs >= 1.0.59 Requires: ORBit >= 0.4.0 Docdir: %{prefix}/doc %description GTM allows the user to retrieve multiple files from the web. These files can be retrieved in multiple parts and each part retrieved on a separate session that the user is connected to the Internet. This is most useful to users with dialup connections. The program performs these tasks using wget as its back-end. %description -l pt GTM permite ao utilizador obter múltiplos ficheiros da web. Eles podem ser obtidos em múltiplas partes e cada parte obtida numa diferente sessão em que o utilizador esta ligado à Internet. Isto é muito útil para utilizadores com ligações dialup. O programa executa estas tarefas usando o wget. %description -l it GTM permette all'utente di scaricare piu' file dal web.Questi file possono essere scaricati in piu' parti e ogni parte scaricatain una differente sessione in cui l'utente e' collegato ad Internet.Questo puo' essere utile agli utenti che hanno una connessione dial-up con Internet. Il programma esegue i suoi compiti usando wget come back-end. %description -l es GTM permite al usuario descargar múltiples ficheros de la web. Estos ficheros pueden ser descargados en varias partes y cada parte puede ser descargada en una sesión diferente en la que el usuario esté conectado a Internet. Esto es especialmente util a los usuarions con conexiones tipo dialup (modems). El programa realiza estas tareas utilizando el wget como herramienta de descarga. %changelog * Sun Sep 30 2001 Bruno Pires Marinho - Change the refined the files to be installed. Thanks to Alex Converse. Also added the new oaf dir. * Wed Mar 28 2001 Bruno Pires Marinho - Added the man dir * Tue Jul 25 2000 Bruno Pires Marinho - Changed the gnome-libs version required to 1.0.59 because of the gnome-window-icon function * Fri Apr 28 2000 Bruno Pires Marinho - Updated page location and author email * Thu Dec 23 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - Added the configuration for the sound events to the package * Fri Sep 3 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - Change the location of sysconfdir to /etc. * Mon May 3 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - Internationalization of spec. Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. * Mon Apr 26 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - I didn't understand quite well the CORBA stuff. To develop CORBA clients of gtm is only needed the idl file so the main package has also the idl file and there is no development package. * Sun Apr 4 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - Added the new development package that allows other programs to request the download of files with GTM * Sat Apr 3 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - Added new directories with files to the distribution because the program now uses corba * Tue Mar 23 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - added portuguese translation for rpm * Sat Feb 27 1999 Bruno Pires Marinho - First try at an RPM %prep %setup %build if [ ! -f configure ]; then CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./autogen.sh --prefix=%{prefix} \ --with-gnome --without-debug --sysconfdir=/etc else CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} \ --with-gnome --without-debug --sysconfdir=/etc fi if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0) make else make fi %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc install %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README TODO %{prefix}/bin/* %{prefix}/share/applets/*/* %{prefix}/share/gnome/apps/*/* %{prefix}/share/gnome/help/* %{prefix}/share/idl/* %{prefix}/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/* %{prefix}/share/oaf/* %{prefix}/share/pixmaps/* %{prefix}/share/sounds/* %{prefix}/man/man1/* %config /etc/CORBA/servers/* %config /etc/sound/events/*