%define py_ver 1.5 %define pygtk_ver 0.6.8 %define pygnome_ver 1.4.1 Summary: The sources for the PyGTK and PyGNOME Python extension modules. Name: gnome-python Version: %{pygnome_ver} Release: 1 Source: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/sources/gnome-python/gnome-python-%{pygnome_ver}.tar.gz License: LGPL Group: System Environment/Libraries BuildRoot: /var/tmp/gnome-python-root Requires: gtk+ >= 1.2.6 Requires: gnome-libs >= 1.2.0 Requires: pygtk = %{pygtk_ver} BuildRequires: gnome-libs-devel, gnome-core-devel BuildRequires: control-center-devel, libglade-devel BuildRequires: gdk-pixbuf-devel, gtkglarea BuildRequires: imlib-devel >= 1.8.2 %description The gnome-python package contains the source packages for the Python bindings for GTK+ and GNOME (PyGTK and PyGNOME, respectively). PyGTK is an extension module for Python that provides access to the GTK+ widget set. Just about anything (within reason) you can write in C with GTK+, you can write in Python with PyGTK, but with all of benefits of Python. PyGNOME is an extension module for Python that provides access to the base GNOME libraries, so you have access to more widgets, a simple configuration interface, and metadata support. %package -n pygtk Version: %{pygtk_ver} Summary: Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. Group: Development/Languages Requires: glib, imlib Requires: python >= 1.5.2 Requires: gtk+ >= 1.2.6 %description -n pygtk PyGTK is an extension module for Python that gives you access to the GTK+ widget set. Just about anything you can write in C with GTK+ you can write in Python with PyGTK (within reason), but with all of benefits of Python. PyGTK provides an object-oriented interface at a slightly higher level than the C interface. The PyGTK interface does all of the type casting and reference counting that you would have to do yourself using the C API. Install pygtk if you need Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. %package -n pygtk-glarea Version: %{pygtk_ver} Summary: A wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget for use with PyGTK Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygtk = %{pygtk_ver} %description -n pygtk-glarea This module contains a wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget, which allows you to display OpenGL output inside your pygtk program. It needs a set of Python OpenGL bindings such as PyOpenGL to actually do any OpenGL rendering. %package -n pygtk-libglade Version: %{pygtk_ver} Summary: A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygtk = %{pygtk_ver} %description -n pygtk-libglade This module contains a wrapper for the libglade library. Libglade is a library similar to the pyglade module, except that it is written in C (so is faster) and is more complete. %package -n pygtk-devel Version: %{pygtk_ver} Summary: files needed to build wrappers for GTK+ addon libraries Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygtk = %{pygtk_ver} %description -n pygtk-devel This package contains files required to build wrappers for GTK+ addon libraries so that they interoperate with pygtk. %package -n pygnome-libglade Version: %{pygnome_ver} Summary: GNOME support for the libglade python wrapper Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygnome = %{pygnome_ver} Requires: pygtk-libglade = %{pygtk_ver} %description -n pygnome-libglade This module contains GNOME support to suppliment the libglade python wrapper. Libglade is a library similar to the pyglade module, except that it is written in C (so is faster) and is more complete. %package -n pygnome Version: %{pygnome_ver} Summary: Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygtk = %{pygtk_ver} Requires: gnome-libs %description -n pygnome PyGNOME is an extension module for python that gives you access to the base GNOME libraries. This means you have access to more widgets, simple configuration interface, metadata support and many other features. Install pygnome if you need Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. %package -n pygnome-applet Version: %{pygnome_ver} Summary: Python bindings for GNOME Panel applets. Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygnome = %{pygnome_ver} %description -n pygnome-applet This module contains a wrapper that allows GNOME Panel applets to be written in Python. %package -n pygnome-capplet Version: %{pygnome_ver} Summary: Python bindings for GNOME Panel applets. Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygnome = %{pygnome_ver} %description -n pygnome-capplet This module contains a wrapper that allows GNOME Control Center capplets to be in Python. %package -n pygnome-devel Version: %{pygnome_ver} Summary: files that are useful for wrapping GNOME addon libraries Group: Development/Languages Requires: pygtk-devel = %{pygtk_ver} Requires: pygnome = %{pygnome_ver} %description -n pygnome-devel This package contains files required to build wrappers for GNOME addon libraries so that they interoperate with pygnome. %prep %setup -q %build CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} --bindir=%{_bindir} \ --includedir=%{_includedir} --datadir=%{_datadir} make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix} \ libdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir} \ bindir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} \ includedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir} \ datadir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir} install #DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %files -n pygtk %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gtk.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GtkExtra.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GTK.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GDK.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/GdkImlib.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/pyglade/*.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gtkmodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gdkimlibmodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gdkpixbufmodule.so %doc pygtk/AUTHORS pygtk/NEWS pygtk/README pygtk/MAPPING pygtk/ChangeLog %doc pygtk/description.py pygtk/examples %files -n pygtk-glarea %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gtkgl.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gtkglmodule.so %files -n pygtk-libglade %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/libglade.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_libglademodule.so %files -n pygtk-devel %defattr (-, root, root) %{_bindir}/* %{_includedir}/pygtk %dir %{_datadir}/pygtk %dir %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2 %dir %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/codegen %dir %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/codegen/* %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtk.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkbase.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkcontainers.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkdata.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkdnd.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkedit.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkenums.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkgl.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtklists.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkmenus.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkmisc.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkranges.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/libglade.defs %files -n pygnome %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gettext.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/__init__.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/affine.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/config.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/file.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/help.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/history.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/metadata.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/mime.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/score.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/triggers.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/ui.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/uiconsts.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/url.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/xmhtml.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/zvt.py* %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gnomemodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gnomeuimodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_zvtmodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gtkxmhtmlmodule.so %doc AUTHORS NEWS README ChangeLog %doc pygnome/examples %files -n pygnome-libglade %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_gladegnomemodule.so # the following are only included if gnome-core and control-center were # installed during the build %files -n pygnome-applet %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_appletmodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/applet.py* %files -n pygnome-capplet %defattr (-, root, root) %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/_cappletmodule.so %{_libdir}/python%{py_ver}/site-packages/gnome/capplet.py* %files -n pygnome-devel %defattr (-, root, root) %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/applet.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/capplet.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gnome-enums.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gnome.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gnomeui.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/gtkhtml.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/xmhtml.defs %{_datadir}/pygtk/1.2/defs/zvt.defs %changelog * Fri May 25 2001 Gregory Leblanc - fixed configure, make install, and %files to use macros for paths - reformatted Requires lines - replaced Copyright with License * Fri Jan 21 2000 Matt Wilson - added pygnome-libglade subpackage * Wed Jan 5 2000 Matt Wilson - split applet and capplet modules into their own package