# Note that this is NOT a relocatable package %define nam gnome-guile %define ver 0.20pre2 %define RELEASE 0.1 %define rel %{?CUSTOM_RELEASE} %{!?CUSTOM_RELEASE:%RELEASE} Summary: GNOME guile interpreter Name: %nam Version: %ver Release: %rel Copyright: LGPL Group: X11/Gnome Source: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/%{nam}-%{ver}.tar.gz Patch: guile_destdir.patch BuildRoot: /tmp/%{nam}-root Obsoletes: gnome URL: http://www.gnome.org Buildrequires: guile >= 1.3.4, gnome-libs-devel, ORBit-devel BuildRequires: bonobo >= 0.28, libglade-devel >= 0.14 BuildRequires: gdk-pixbuf-devel >= 0.9.0, libghttp >= 1.0 %description GNOME guile (gnomeg) is a guile interpreter with GTK and GNOME support. A number of GNOME utilities are written to use gnomeg. GNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environment. That's a fancy name but really GNOME is a nice GUI desktop environment. It makes using your computer easy, powerful, and easy to configure. %package devel Summary: GNOME guile libraries, includes, etc Group: X11/Gnome Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description devel Libraries and header files for GNOME guile development %prep %setup %patch0 -p1 %build # Alpha's return all sorts of diffrent things for alpha, this confuses # libtool so we press the issue. %ifarch alpha MYARCH_FLAGS="--host=alpha-redhat-linux" %endif automake && autoconf CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure $MYARCH_FLAGS --without-gtkhtml \ --with-libglade --prefix=%{_prefix} --bindir=%{_bindir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} --includedir=%{_includedir} --datadir=%{_datadir} if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then make -j$SMP "MAKE=make -j$SMP" else make fi %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # FIXME: This will only work on systems where guile is installed # in /usr. Hopefully we can get rid of this stuff soon! make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/guile/toolkits rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/guile/toolkits/libgtkstubs.so ln -s /usr/lib/libguilegtk.so \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/guile/toolkits/libgtkstubs.so %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README %{_bindir}/* %{_libdir}/lib*.so.* %{_datadir}/guile/gtk/*.scm %{_datadir}/guile/gtk-1.2/*.scm %{_datadir}/guile/gnome/*.scm %{_datadir}/guile/toolkits/libgtkstubs.so %{_datadir}/guile/site/event-repl.scm %files devel %attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so %attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/*a %attr(-, root, root) %{_includedir}/* %attr(-, root, root) %{_datadir}/guile-gtk/*.defs %changelog * Thu Feb 22 2001 Gregory Leblanc - fixed up macros, and removed hard-coded paths. * Sat Feb 27 1999 Gregory Mclean - fixed this up so it will build on more then one alpha and this file is generated. * Wed May 27 1998 Michael Fulbright - modified file list to include %{_datadir}/guile, %{_datadir}/gtk * Fri Mar 13 1998 Marc Ewing - Integrate into gnome-guile CVS source tree