Task Synchronization API


 Task Barrier API
 Task Event Flag API
 Task Queue API
 Task Semaphore API
 Task Signal API

Detailed Description

The MARS Task Synchronization API provides various methods of synchronization between the host program running on the host processor and MARS tasks running on the MPUs, as well as between MARS tasks and other MARS tasks running across various MPUs.

As described previously, enabling MARS tasks to send/receive data directly between each other independently of the host is the important factor in improving the usability and efficiency of MPUs. MARS provides various synchronization and communication functions which can make efficient interaction between MARS tasks or between MARS tasks and host programs.

The MARS Task Synchronization API provides the following types of synchronization objects:

(1) MARS Task Barrier

This is used to make multiple MARS tasks wait at a certain point in a program and to resume the task execution when all tasks are ready.

(2) MARS Task Event Flag

This is used to send event notifications between MARS tasks or between MARS tasks and host programs.

(3) MARS Task Queue

This is used to provide a FIFO queue mechanism for data transfer between MARS tasks or between MARS tasks and host programs.

(4) MARS Task Semaphore

This is used to limit the number of concurrent accesses to shared resources among MARS tasks.

(5) MARS Task Signal

This is used to signal a MARS task in the waiting state to change state so that it can be scheduled to continue execution.

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